Best Assistive Technology Product

Award Sponsored by NGO Training Centre

For the Best Assistive Technology Product, we want to reward the latest innovation, excellent building quality, reliability and function. This is a category that really has the opportunity to excite!

Please refer to the Award Terms & Conditions and the Nomination Tips before submitting your nomination.

Award Sponsored by

Nominee Details

This is the name and details of the person being nominated for the award.

Award Nomination Criteria

1. Tell us about the product and how it makes a difference to a person's life. (maximum 1000 characters).

2. What makes the product innovative when compared with products in the same or similar class. (maximum 1000 characters).

3 How does the product excel in its performance, including how it is durable and suitable for purpose. (maximum 1000 characters).

4. Share with us a success story starring this product. The inclusion of a Participant testimonial would be advantageous. (maximum 1000 characters).

Referee Details (Optional)

You can provide the details of a referee to support the nomination and the statements that are included in the nomination.

Local Media Contact

Help us promote and recognise the nominee through local media channels by providing at least one local media contact.

Nominator Details

Please provide your details in case the selection panel need to contact you.